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The Science of a Sunset

A bright pink, orange, and yellow desert sunset.

Tucson is known for its spectacular sunsets. One survey ranked them second only to Key West’s sunset over the ocean. I think it was the ocean that got them the top spot. Color-wise, Tucson’s sunsets cannot be beaten, especially if you add those iconic saguaros.

These vibrant colors are a result of a fascinating natural process. As the sunlight passes through the air, it gets scattered. During sunset, the light has to pass through more air, causing the violet and blue wavelengths to scatter more. This allows our eyes to perceive the warm yellows, oranges, and reds that paint the sky.

Stuff in the air also influences the colors seen. Dust, pollution, water droplets, and clouds increase light scattering. The rich reds and outrageous oranges are glorious.

The colors of the sunrise are much more muted.  Usually, I see pinks and light purples. Sometimes, pink clouds form stripes across the blue sky. I call that the boy-girl sky.

This occurs due to the low angle of the sun’s rays highlighting the base of the clouds with pink wavelengths. Combining the pink clouds and blue sky can produce a purple look.

June 25, 2024: An extraordinarily colored sunrise.

The monsoon clouds over the Santa Catalinas created a colorful sunrise as vibrant as any sunset. Yellows, oranges, reds, and purples glowed around the dark gray clouds. As I looked east, a rainbow arched over Pusch Ridge.

To the west, two rainbows arched over the scene. A three-rainbow morning! What wonders would today hold?

I’m used to seeing such colors during the spectacular Tucson sunsets, but I had never seen these colors in the morning.  Usually, the morning cloud colors are pink and blue, my so-called boy-girl skies. Someday, I will write a story featuring a boy-girl sky. In case you’re wondering, I do see a lot of sunrises, being a morning person. The glow of dawn awakens me, and up I go. The dog needs a walk first thing to empty, so we embrace the new day. I enjoy saying goodnight to the night-time creatures, like bats and nighthawks, and greeting the rising diurnal creatures. The songs of the birds declaring their territories fill the air.

I am always delighted to see rainbows, but I was surprised to see them in both directions—east and west. In addition, the brightly colored skies made me feel more energized while walking Max.

The next day, the sky was back to its usual blue with a little pink. Variety is always welcomed and enjoyed, especially if my favorite color, red, is featured.

Thank you, sky, for the remarkable sunrise. I am truly grateful for this experience and look forward to future color extravaganzas.

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