Clarissa the Catfish
Makes New Friends at the
Peoria Riverfront Museum.
But One Employee Makes
Plans For Clarissa:
Dinner Plans!
A Chapter Book for
Reading Level: Ages 8+
48 Pages
Modern Illustrations
by Jacqueline Klene
When a flooding river takes Clarissa the Catfish to the Peoria Riverfront Museum, and then recedes, Clarissa is in trouble. Ruth, the museum manager, rescues her with a bucket. Clarissa is not your everyday catfish and over time, Ruth notices Clarissa seems to enjoy the activity of the museum.
After Clarissa is added to the museum’s large fish tank, one employee, Joseph, stops by too much, and finally decides he will have Clarissa for dinner. But when he scoops his net into the tank, all the fish come to her aid.
Find out what happens when Joseph breaks the tank (oh, no!) and all the museum’s fish are flopping on the floor!

“Don’t worry, Clarissa!
We will take you
on an Adventure!”
Reading Level: Ages 6+
30 Pages
Including a Channel Catfish
Fun Facts Section
Written in Rhyme
Colorful Illustrations
by Haley Gray
Clarissa the Catfish wants to be where the action is! And there is LOTS of action at the Peoria Playhouse Children’s Museum.
Find out how Clarissa’s friends help her out of the stationary tank and take her safely on a fun adventure through the museum.