Vivid Illustrations
by Nicholas Thorpe
Reading Level Age 8+
32 Pages
One day a black-chinned hummingbird selected a branch outside the El Conquistador Resort’s gift shop window to build her nest. By choosing that location, she invited the staff and guests into her world. Join in the exciting adventures of this amazing hummingbird.

Guam: Return of the Songs
Reading Level:
Ages 8+
Dual Language: English and CHamoru
Introducing the brown treesnake to Guam destroyed many native animals in the island ecosystem. This book tells the story of that invasion and the return of Guam’s native birds, in both English and CHamoru.

“You can fly, Brian
Brown Booby!
Don’t give up!”
Colorful Illustrations
by Cayman Native
Simone Scott
Reading Level Age 8+
48 Pages
A fictionalized telling of the true story of Brian Brown Booby and the caring Caymanians who helped him.
Brian Brown Booby was too young to fly but somehow ended up 80 miles from home. This is the tale of the many people who helped him get back home, fed him, and believed in him so that he could learn to fly with his own kind.

A Humorous Tale Introducing the Plants
and Animals of the Sonoran Desert
“I’ll have a long-term memory of this visit.
Maybe a permanent one.”
For All Ages
Reading Level Age 8+
26 pages
Glossary of Minerals, Flora and Fauna
Illustrated by Anderson Atlas
A bumbling visitor to Southern Arizona is repeatedly injured when trying to photograph a mischievous hummingbird, as the Sonoran Desert conspires against him.
Have a laugh while enjoying learning about the plants and animals of Southern Arizona.

A Fun Favorite of Young
and Old Alike!
For Learners Grades K-4
Reading Level
Age 8+
Colorfully Illustrated
by Nicholas Thorpe
Written in Rhyme
20 Pages
Tales abound about the speed, strength and courage of Roadrunner. They are fascinating and welcomed visitors throughout Southern Arizona.
Ever wondered why this bird doesn’t fly? Read this book and you’ll find out why. Learn how the males woo a mate and warm the nest, and about the footprint they leave that cannot be tracked–and much more!
A Review of Don’t Make Me Fly! By Helene Woodhams
Arizona Daily Star:
What a curious creature the Roadrunner is! This iconic desert bird prefers hoofing it to flying, and its footprints are the same backward as they are forward. With vibrant illustrations by Nicholas Thorpe, this picture book is jam-packed with scientific facts about roadrunners, delivered in verse form to keep the narrative lively. Roadrunners
“grab their victim
behind its head
And bash it on
the ground until it’s dead.” Want to know how to swallow a horned lizard? Keep reading! Don’t Make Me Fly! is recommended for children in grades K-4.
This young lady is enjoying the science-based book–so much so, that her Mom emailed a picture to me.