My Bahamian Boas Book is Having Its Birthday Today!

screenshot from YouTube video Bahamian Boa Book

I’m celebrating the March 6th ‘birth’ day of my book, Bahamian Boas: A Tabby Tale. CLICK THIS LINK TO SEE ME SPEAK ABOUT THE BIRTHDAY OF MY BOOK. A special guest appeared, whom you will very much enjoy seeing. CLICK THIS LINK TO SEE SNAZZY THE SNAKE HIGHLIGHT THE BIRTHDAY BOOK ON YOUTUBE! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, […]

November 30th is National Mousse Day

photo of a glass of chocolate mousse on a table

Mousse is an interesting word. It looks like “mouse,” a rodent, but is pronounced “moose,” like the largest member of the deer family. When I think of mousse, I think of a light, pudding-like dessert, especially if it’s chocolate. A mousse is a soft food made with air bubbles to give it a light, creamy […]

Tabby Sure Has My Attention! How About Yours? by Curtis Curly-tail

image of Tabby the five finger fairy on You Tube

I like to think of author Elaine A. Powers’s You Tube channel as MY channel. It does, after all, say at the top of the page, “Curtis Curly-tail Speaks!” But, I’m like, “Whoo, hoo! Look at that girl go!” I mean, have you seen and heard Tabby the Five-Finger Fairy on You Tube? I’d read […]