Working from Home with our Pets
January 28th is National Have Fun at Work Day and with the pandemic, many people who would go to work in an office or at least away from home, are now telecommuting or video conferencing. We find ourselves trying to convince our companion-animal family members to maintain professional boundaries. (Although, I’ll bet everyone enjoys watching other people’s pets photo-bomb their meetings.)
My household is no different. Meetings that I would attend in person are now virtual through my laptop. Even though my family members are reptiles, they feel the same need as mammals to participate. You’d think noise wouldn’t be an issue with animals that don’t bark, meow or squawk. But, my iguanas get creative. As soon as I log in, Chile Green Iguana (photo above) starts his gymnastics in his wire enclosure. He uses his full length to clank the sides and shelves as much as possible.
Then I feel my chair start to move away from the table. Myrtle Redfoot Tortoise is underneath me, pushing as hard as she can, successfully rolling the chair and me away from the computer.

Other family members merely stop by to see who I am speaking with or to ensure that I am working as I should be.
I hope you, too, are having fun at work, whether it is away from home or at home. Co-workers can be very entertaining.
Book Note: My co-workers are my inspiration for many of my books. I hope you’ll check them out at My Books.
Don’t Call Me Turtle was inspired by my tortoise, Myrtle, pictured above.

She also says, “Don’t Call Me Turtle!” (Even if my name should be Myrtle.)