I’ve had some success with my books. It all began when I was encouraged by boat-mates to publish my Curtis Curly-tail Lizard story. My graphic artist friend agreed to do the illustrations, although as he said, “I know nothing about lizards.” I had a story text and I had illustrations. How would I get those words and picture together? I had no clue.
By chance, I saw that the local editors’ society was holding an event called “speed-dating for editors.” A few authors would have the opportunity to tell their needs to a number of editors to see if they were a match. I met with all the other editors before Nora and they all said they couldn’t put my words on the illustrations. I was discouraged.
Then it was my turn with Nora Miller. Her response was, “Of course!” That started a six-year friendship that ended much too soon. Nora was an all-around editor. She edited the text, designed the text boxes on the book pages, formatted the words and illustrations for independent publishing, loaded the files, and built my first website. When that first book was translated into Spanish and French, she edited the words in those two languages, as well. A truly remarkable woman.
She was teacher as well to fledgling authors and illustrators. Always patient, she clearly explained what was needed to be done. When she learned her life was coming to an end, she made sure she found other editors to help me carry on.
Nora passed on with her family around her. Her many friends around the world were with her spiritually.
I will try to continue the high standards she set for my books. I know I will feel her with me as I write the next stories.