“Welcome! I’m Elaine A. Powers, the biologist and author of the science books on this website. Welcome to Tales and Tails–a blog written by two adventurers, one human–me–and one small lizard.”
“Hold up! Why are you calling me small?” Curtis asked. “And let’s not forget where your first book came from!”
“Curtis, look at the picture of you on my shoe–you are pretty small, my friend. You’re not an iguana, after all.”

“I may not be an iguana, but I am perfect!”
“I would have to agree! If they removed the word perfect from the dictionary, they would replace it with your picture.”
“Why, Elaine, thank you.”
“You do have a point about the first book, though. Should I tell the readers how it happened?”
“No—I should!” he said. “I tell it much better than you do.”
“Once again, Curtis, you’re right. Let me, instead, welcome and thank our readers for stopping by our new blog, Tales and Tails.”
Curtis and I both hope you enjoy your time here and that you will look around the website. These days, there are fun science books for just about everyone. And, please hop on over to Curtis’s post and he will tell you about how the first book, Curtis Curly-tail and the Ship of Sneakers, came to be.
A second career as a science book author was certainly not on my radar, but when you follow the muse, you never where she will lead you. May your journey be a fun-filled adventure, too!