Elaine’s Latest Bilingual Book Featured in the AZ Daily Star

Elaine A. Powers and her recently released bilingual book, Guam: Return of the Songs, was featured in Arizona Daily Star on Sunday, December 4, 2022. This is her 27th picture book and first to be presented both in English and the Guamian language of Chamorro. The article touts the tale of “how non-native snakes decimated […]
My Explosive Mauna Loa Tale

I woke up on November 28, 2022, to the headline announcing “Hawaii’s Mauna Loa is erupting for the first time since 1984.” Mauna Loa erupting always gets my attention. Before 1984, the volcano on the big island of Hawaii had last erupted on July 5, 1975. I know because I was on the side of […]