Reptiles are characterized by having scales covering their bodies. That means when a reptile needs to grow bigger, it must shed the scales. The process of shedding the old skin is called ecdysis.
One of my lizard family members has the best ecdysis. This is my red tegu, Rascal. First, the red skin takes on a dry, yellowish look.
With time, the outer skin looks whiter.
Ridges and dents start to form, as the skin become looser.
The outer skin layer loosens and separates from the new skin underneath.
The skin is ready for a snag to tear it open and help it fall off the tegu’s body. When Rascal’s skin tears, most of it comes off since it was so loose.
Once the old skin has been rubbed off, the lovely deep red coloration of the red tegu is seen on the new scales.
Book Note: I write fun science books about reptiles. Interested in sharing some fun science with your kids this summer? To see my adventure tales that weave science into the stories, and my rhyming tales, which help the reader to remember the science, click on My Books.

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