A Tale of Unexpected Tortoises

Baby tortoises huddle against the walls of a wooden crate.

Caring for my diverse group of tortoises, which includes four different species, is a constant challenge. I make a conscious effort to keep the sexes apart, as I don’t want to deal with the responsibility of finding homes for their offspring. The winter months bring another set of challenges, as I need to bring most […]

Who is in the Hole?

A dark mysterious hole, a bright light shines in the opening.

I was taking Max, my dog, for a walk one evening. The setting sun illuminated a new hole in my dirt driveway. The hole was surrounded by something that glistened in the angled sun.  When I got near, I saw that the opening was covered with what looked like spider silk. Digging into the Mystery […]

Observations at a Street Fair

Crowds of people navigate the stalls set up along a street.

From March 22-24, 2024, I had a booth at the 55th annual 4th Avenue Street Fair. This exciting event brings over 300,000 people to shop for an incredible variety of arts and goods and enjoy diverse and delicious food. I have several art pieces from my visits to previous fairs in my home. Joining in […]

A Pennaraptorans for Your Thoughts

A realistic illustration of dinosaurs roaming a valley.

I recently learned about Penneropterans. They are not people who like to eat penne pasta! Maybe ‘opt’ refers to optics? Nope, they are not people who want to look at penne pasta, either! No, Penneropterans is a misspelling of Pennaraptora.  What’s a Pennaraptora? The Pennaraptora clade refers to the group of dinosaurs who developed feathers. […]

An Old Fossil Publishes a Dinosaur Book!

The cover of Dinosaurs Roamed Arizona.

Every festival, I’m asked if I have any books about dinosaurs. Up until now, I’ve had to say no. However, if a topic is requested often enough, what is an author to do but write one? Sure, there are books about dinosaurs, but how about books about the dinosaurs found in Arizona? Once again, I […]

It’s Festival Time Again!

Elaine smiling from her booth at the 2019 TFOB

Tucson is known for nature, music, and food. As a UNESCO Creative City of Gastronomy, Tucson will feed your body. Nature and open spaces provide sustenance for your soul. For your mind, Tucson has the Festival of Books! My books offer a particularly nourishing mental feast with chunks of information in a rich sauce of […]

R.I.P. Little Mariana Fruit Bat

A bat mid-flight during sunset.

The US Fish and Wildlife Service recently announced a list of 21 species formally declared extinct. And while any species extinction is distressing, it was with great sadness that I heard the news of a particular species featured in one of my picture Books.  Farewell, Little Mariana Fruit Bat The Little Mariana Fruit Bat, Pteropus […]

Join Me at TFOB!

Elaine smiling from her booth at the 2019 TFOB

The festival is coming! The festival is coming! On March 4 & 5, 2023, the best book festival in the country, the Tucson Festival of Books, will be held at the University of Arizona mall. If you’re a newbie to TFOB, or even a seasoned professional, planning your visit can be a bit overwhelming. Not […]

The Tale of an Old Time Term

An antique analog radio sitting on a chest.

One of my favorite pastimes is listening to Old Time Radio (OTR) shows as I drive around. The other day while captivated by a comedy show, I heard an unusual word. I thought it was perhaps a slip of the tongue or a word created for comic effect. But then I heard it a few […]

No Ordinary Button

A pile of pearly white buttons.

November 16th is National Button Day. What do you think of when you hear the word “button?” Do images of the many colors, diversely shaped garment fasteners come to mind? I remember selecting colors and shapes to add interest to my clothes. Then there’s the time spent searching through the massive collection that my mother […]

My, What Big Leaves You Have!

The dense and green leaves of an oak tree.

When I need an ocean fix, I head to the warm waters of the Gulf of Mexico. But when I need a green fix, I head back to my hometown of Peoria, IL. I call it my writing retreat because I sit on my cousin’s back porch, where my muse refreshes and my writing output […]

A Snake… with Legs?

A banana python with a big green question mark over its head.

We humans like to find ways of enhancing our means of movement. We strap wheels onto our feet, jump on skateboards, and climb on bicycles or motorcycles. We build cars to drive faster than we can walk. We build airplanes to fly in the sky like birds. But we’ve also invented wonderful devices to assist […]

Revenge of the Crows!

A crow peers menacingly in the dim light of dusk.

I’ve always liked crows and ravens. They’re very intelligent and dedicated to their families. They also don’t mind interacting with people. I’ve read about crows and ravens bringing gifts to their people in exchange for tasty tidbits. Crows have their own culture. Celebrity crows, like those kept at the Tower of London, have their own […]

Having Fun with Shadows!

Hands make a bird shaped shadow on a white wall.

Do you enjoy shadows as much as I do? As a child, I fondly remember making shadow puppets with my family, creating animals out of our hands. My shadows were always very simple and I admired people who could make more complex animal shadows. Little did I know that shadow puppetry is an ancient form […]

Why Don’t I Write That?

graphic of three books in The Don't Series

I’m so happy in-person book sales are returning. I love speaking to people about my books and about the importance of science education through children’s books. Many people are delighted to find my books and often suggest other topics for me to write about. I write them all down.  My most popular books are my […]

Give the Gift of a Picture Book!

collage of book covers related to Sonoran Desert

This is the season for gift giving. Why not give a gift that educates as it entertains, builds language skills, and can be enjoyed over and over again? Books are always a great gift for any age. Not Your Average Picture Book What makes my picture books worthwhile? Immense amounts of scientific information are included […]

You Know You’re From Arizona When . . .

infographic about AZ

You might be familiar with these Fun Facts posted on Facebook by Brad Snyder in 2013. They are still very true today, and I’d like to share a bit more about these interesting and fun topics. Book Note: I am fascinated by  animals and plants and truly enjoy having them all around me. I have […]

Brittlebush Can Take the Heat!

photo of brittlebush plant

One plant that has always amazed me in the Sonoran Desert is the Brittlebush. No matter how little rain falls nor how hot it is, this bush produces a lush crop of flowers. Brittlebush, Encelia farinose, is a bush native to the Sonoran Desert and is a member of the sunflower family.  The leaves are […]

Do You Slather or Smear?

image of young woman's face with lotion

The English language has a lot of really great words. As a writer, I enjoy exploring them. This time of year in the Sonoran Desert, we increase the amount of sunscreen we put on our bodies.  As the intensity of the sun increases with the warmer seasons, more sunscreen is definitely needed. I put a […]

Writing and Riding Fill My Days

photo of a quarter horse named Exuma

With the pandemic, I’ve been dividing my time mostly between two activities: riding and writing. I’m either at the stables with my two horses or at home writing, surrounded by my reptiles. It’s working out well since I’m getting fresh air and exercise with Button and Exuma, which stimulates my health and well-being for the […]

What Makes Sunsets So Spectacular?

photo of red sunset in tucson az

Sunsets can be spectacular in Tucson, Arizona. Bright colors predominate, such as the red one above. Sometimes, they’re dark red, sometimes orangish-red like on this night. Why are these sunsets red? Because of particulates in the air. The colors of a sunset are caused by the scattering of light’s wavelengths. Stuff in the air like […]

November 20th is National Absurdity Day

graphic for nov 20 2020

On November 20th, absurdity is celebrated by being whacky, for example. It strikes me as absurd that on November 19th, we celebrate carbonated beverages with caffeine day. One day later we can expand and include other absurdities. Some might think it is absurd to write a book. Some days, writers think so, too! Or go […]

November 6th is National Nachos Day. YUM!

photo of nachos with beef and veggies

November 6 is National Nachos Day, a day set aside to celebrate a delicious culinary delight. Nachos are crunchy with melted cheese, a perfect combination of taste and texture. Nachos were created by “Nacho” Anaya from Piedras Negras, Mexico in 1943. Over the years, other ingredients have been added to the tortilla chips and cheese. […]